Putting Love, Laughter and Life into Wellness
Putting Love, Laughter and Life into Wellness


Why dance? One of the most important lessons in life is learning to let go of what’s holding us back or making us feel bad. I find dancing to music the most beautiful and freeing way to do this.

Last month I taught Zumba to a group of actors who were training with Leonardo DiCaprio’s acting coach. The coach Bernie said “it’s impossible to feel depressed when you are dancing”.  So for an hour and a half every morning for a week, they danced with me, immersing themselves and letting go completely. When it came to acting their scenes in the afternoon, they were able to fully inhabit their roles and give bigger, stronger performances.

It really worked and was such a moving experience for me to teach dance with such a clear intention. It made me realise the power of using dance as a therapy.

Dance with me at home through my YouTube channel, join me at a retreat or keep an eye on my social media for my next live class.